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The coopérative and it's mission
The mission of the brasserie du borinage:
to brew quality craft beers and let's shine the Borinage attitude to the rest of the world.
It's a story of camaraderie that starts in 2019. Friends whom are in love with beer and their region with an ambitious project.
Mullet in the wind, they're charming the beerloveers of the province, the country and the world.
and Déwanne.
A motto that's perfectly defining the brewery.
Rigour in our brews, by upgrading old recipes and bringing back forgotten parfums and tastes.
And then ... the Déwanne everywhere else.
Conformism, consensus are not our thing at the brewery.
What do we like is turning jokes and a really desire to give happiness. And freeing ourselve from useless strain.
Never defie us.
It's a friendly council ;-)
The cooperative
Brewing alone would be nonsense !
D’autant plus que niveau projets, c’est pas ce qui manque.
The brewery is a cooperative so we can bring a big amount of poeple together, wich is one of the value of the brewery.
In a close future we're gonna start a big production unit in our region. In the mean time, we're building a place for the new taproom that be able to welcome conferences, life bands and other events.
That project respects the environement by using local ressources and by minimising the energy use.
There also will be several collaboration with brewers over the world.